What to Expect at KidsDent in Etobicoke

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Ease Into Your Child’s First Dental Visit

We are delighted you have decided to bring your child to KidsDent for their dental care. Our goal is to build strong relationships with our little patients and foster a lifetime of good oral hygiene and love for their teeth. We also make a point of working closely with you, our patients’ caregivers. 

We are here to ensure your first visit is a calm and positive one. We encourage you to call us before your initial visit for guidance and we will do our best to answer any of your questions to put you at ease. Being prepared and knowing what to expect can certainly help ease any anxiety you and/or your child may have.

Trust Your KidsDent Team

We understand that a trip to the dentist can cause anxiety in some children and their parents. Our dental team is trained to handle uncomfortable moments with compassion and patience. 

What a Visit to KidsDent Looks Like

A paediatric dental exam is designed to fully evaluate your child’s oral health before there is a problem. This appointment usually includes a teeth cleaning and is intended to teach children proper oral hygiene. 

Your child’s first visit is designed to establish trust through open communication with you and your child.

We usually ask that you and your child arrive 15 minutes before their first appointment to fill out paperwork. You can save a bit of time by accessing our new patient forms and bringing them with you.

We will need to know any information about previous dental visits and health history and your child’s current medications and dosages, if any. The more information you can give us, the more personalized and comprehensive a plan we can provide you.

After your child’s first appointment, we we will discuss with you a customized check-up schedule as some children require more frequent check-ups than others. Dental issues can arise quickly in children, but regular check-ups can catch problems early and prevent them from worsening.

Your child’s visit will begin with a “Caries Risk Assessment” to look for signs of cavities. We will also discuss oral hygiene instructions, diet and nutrition, and oral habits, like thumb-sucking or pacifier use.

If your child is young, we will show you the “knee-to-knee” exam method. This just means that you will hold your toddler or infant in your lap while we work unless they are comfortable in our dental chair.

We do everything we can to keep your child comfortable and establish trust with you both. This means we will walk you through everything we are doing and explain why.

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Book an Appointment Today

It is a big decision to choose your child’s dentist. We would be happy to introduce you both to our friendly staff and show you around our comfortable clinic.

We are excited to be a part of your child’s oral health team.

Visit Our Clinic

How to get there?

KidsDent is located in the uniquely shaped Royal York Medical Centre, on the corner of Royal York Road and Summitcrest Drive.

Our Address

  • 1436 Royal York Road, Suite 202
  • Etobicoke, Ontario M9P 3A9

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:30 AM 3:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM 3:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM 3:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 3:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 3:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Why Choose a Paediatric Dentist?

Our paediatric dentists know exactly how to make your child’s dental appointments fun and exciting while helping them build healthy, lifelong oral habits to keep their teeth strong.

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Children have different dental needs than adults. Paediatric dentists undergo specialized training to give children the extra care and attention they need.

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